
ESS Assignment #7

During the presentations of our midterm tri-folds, I was most intrigued by Sophie’s project on fast fashion!
Sophie’s project on fast fashion! It’s downloadable from this link.

What made her project very unique was that she took the time to create a video of her own. She interviewed people in shopping areas during her time in Spain to see what people knew about fast fashion and its effect on the environment. To sum up the information, she worked with someone else to include a “draw my life” of a piece of fast fashion-clothing. This is relatable to the excerpt in the Bigelow and Swinehart reading, “A City of Factories”. The blurb was short, but it describes the module for the fast fashion industry — which is factory-driven. These cheap pieces of clothing are terrible for the environment and are being pumped out by factories at a miraculous pace. Workers in the factories, many of them from Asian countries are paid very low wages and work in terrible conditions. Sophie’s project was definitely eye-opening because it portrays how the life of fast fashion pieces never truly ends. Although it is nice to spend a small amount on clothing in bulk, there is a large price to pay for the damage it causes to the environment and the effect it has on people who work for the industry.


ESS Assignment #6

I decided to review Maddie Precht’s website! The first thing I noticed is that she had edited her website to be very pleasing to the eye! I love the dark background, and the right side panel that allows you to check out her most recent blog posts. Her decision to discuss Neil Young as a famous environmentalist was clever! She also personalized her website with a photo from her childhood. I also find it really cool that if you scroll all the way up, the entire screen is a beautiful photo of a natural waterfall — perfect for an ESS class! Overall, Maddie’s website is super impressive and definitely makes me want to go back and start playing around with the creative theme tools on my own site’s dashboard!


ESS210 Midterm

Canva has always been my go-to when it comes to designing ANYTHING — including school projects! They have a weird way of letting you view your final project, though.


ESS 210 Assignment #5

Before delving into research regarding oil and fracking artwork, I had wanted to write about the film, Anchorman 2 (with Will Ferrell) that intentionally makes jokes about British Petroleum being reliable and one’s “best friend” to the audience at Sea World. It’s supposed to be a joke because the movie takes place in the 70’s. Instead, though, I looked into artwork regarding BP and found a whole website dedicated to BP comics.

15 BP Oil Spill Cartoons

I really like the use of oil sludge covering the BP CEO and calling them “bs” while turning their logo from green to brown. This is a good use of color scheme, because BP is anything but green — so they don’t deserve to have a bright green logo! The use of the dialogue blurb that ends with “are we done filming yet?” signifies deception to the public from BP — that they lie for the media to save their own name.

I love these comics because they are easy to understand for people who do not know anything about the dangers of fracking. Most people have not read the readings by Bigelow and Swinehart enough to understand how oil spills and fracking affect the world around them. I think it is very important to have artists depict these dangers through art such as this, and provide resources so that others can view them. It is surely a way to spread the word to people who are uninformed or even misinformed about fracking. It’s also really important to show larger corporations that we are not stupid: that we are in on the games they play and won’t be fooled anymore!
